Job Description
Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is looking for an Occupational Therapy Technical Instructor to join Meadowbank Rehabilitation unit located on the Berrywood Hospital site. Meadowbank is a 12 bedded in-patient unit for males of adult working age with severe and complex mental health conditions who are or would otherwise be high users of in-patient and community services. The main focus of the unit is to deliver effective rehabilitation with an emphasis on occupation and recovery focussed interventions. The environment aims to replicate the demands of every-day living, which includes being able to shop and self- cater, explore and participate in education, volunteering or employment opportunities and re-engage in hobbies or activities of interest.
The successful candidate will undertake a specialist role with a focus on assisting the Occupational Therapist in providing occupational therapy assessments and interventions. We are looking for applicants who are enthusiastic, compassionate, flexible, organised and creative in their approach and can work alongside the wider multi-disciplinary team to provide quality and effective care. Excellent verbal and written communication skills, as well as good computer skills are essential. Applicants should have experience of working within health and/or social care settings and have an awareness of mental health conditions and how these impact on a person's daily life and wellbeing. The role will be varied and applicants should feel confident, possess a can-do, positive and forward thinking attitude. The role requires working flexibly over a 6 day week to include evenings and occasional weekends.
NHFT is an integrated primary care and mental health Trust, providing physical, mental health and specialty services in both hospital settings and out in the community. Because we put the person at the centre of all we do, we focus on delivering care that is as easy to access as possible. Meadowbank Unit is an integral part of the Community Mental Health Recovery Pathway and is a county wide service.
For further information on the advertised role, please refer to the job description located under the Supporting Documents heading. The full person specification can be accessed under the ‘About You’ Section of the document.
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