Detailed job description and main responsibilities
Please refer to the job description and person specification attached to the advert for the full details.
The Service Administrator will assist in delivering the service by;
Answer incoming telephone calls and respond to queries
Ensure the Greater Nottingham Diabetic Eye Screening Programme is developed, delivered and monitored in accordance with the National Service Specification.
Populate specific local trackers for capacity analysis
Escalate concerns to programme and deputy manager in a timely way
Liaise with the multi-disciplinary team linked to the service and attend necessary meetings
Monitor stock levels
Maintain and further develop close co-operation between Optometry, Ophthalmology, Medical and Clerical / Administrative staff to support the delivery of screening and treatment of sight threatening diabetic retinopathy.
Ensure that people with diabetes are offered and receive systematic, high quality screening, grading, referral and treatment for sight threatening diabetic retinopathy
Support implementation of research based practice as well as specific audits within the programme as appropriate. This will require provision of supporting data for the production of prompt monthly, quarterly and annual reports to ensure key targets are met and a high quality service is delivered for people with diabetes
Adopt a flexible approach in providing sickness and absence cover within the team as required.
Ensure adequate personal development and local accreditation to ensure the post holder fully meets National quality assurance standards
Carry out effective communication between staff and external suppliers of screening sites, equipment and software to maintain service delivery
Assist with effective problem solving
Develop appropriate expertise in relevant aspects of diabetes, associated complications and other relevant diseases to help answer patient queries
Facilitate collaboration with healthcare professionals including dealing with patient safety incidents and complaints.
Daily enveloping of patient letters using the inserter machine, ensure that information leaflets and other documentation is provided in a timely manner to assist in meeting national quality assurance objectives
Maintain and enhance the reputation of the Service
To undertake a key role in routine data inputting. Process and update the patient management system with accurate health documentation
To be mindful of the need for continuous improvement and development of all aspects of the Service
Undertake any other duties that may reasonably be required
Adhere to all local standard operating procedures and Trust wide polices